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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  November 27, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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u.s. time and the numbers went to 155,000 in a short time. completely insane. >> students are connecting from all over the world for all sorts of reasons. in chicago, dawn smith wanted to improve her job skills with a free course in pharmacology from the university of pennsylvania. she loved the convenience, the quality, and the cost. >> about another 19 years of payments on my master's degree so i didn't want to necessarily add to the cost of that. which was a big factor. >> some point out that the immersive experience of attending college can hardly be replicated by loggingon to a laptop and the contact with professors hugely limited online. but this trend could open up education to hundreds of millions of people. >> i've already taught more students than i could have ever hoped to teach in my entire career. >> reporter: and there's still a lot to learn. tom foreman, cnn, baltimore. >> that does it for this edition
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of "360." thank you for watching. "erin burnett outfront starts now." > outfront next, with the fiscal cliff just 35 days away, congressional loerds say president obama isn't doing enough to make a deal. senator mark warner, the third wealthiest man of the senate, outfront on tax rates and whether the president needs to take a bigger role. plus, the u.s. ambassador to the u.s. susan rice, admits the talking points she used after the benghazi attack were wrong. republicans call her answers troubling. and a former mayor spent her life taking on thugs in her town. her fight and her life tonight are now over. let's go out front. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett "outfront" tonight, where in the world is president obama? it's been 11 days since he met with congressional leaders on the fiscal cliff. and with impending doom as a lot
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of people describe it, just 35 days away, key lawmakers say the president hasn't worked hard enough with them to broker a deal. >> rather than sitting down with lawmakers of both parties and working out an agreement, he's back on the campaign trail presumably with the same old talking points that we're all quite familiar with. >> well, now, as far as top democrats are concerned, things haven't been going so well since that november 16th kumbaya meeting at the white house. >> we had a meeting, it went very well. the problem was that was before thanksgiving after the election. and since that time, there's been little progress with the republicans, which is a disappointment to me. >> well, the market didn't exactly like what they heard there either. the dow lost nearly 90 points today. much of it in reaction to harry reid's dismal statement. i got an e-mail with it all in caps, the market is coming in on these headlines from harry reid. this matters, every word they say matters and white house
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press secretary jay carney was on the defense today. he pointed out as he had done yesterday that the president spoke on the phone with senate majority leader harry reid and john boehner over the weekend. and besides carney says, the president has to talk directly to the american people. >> it is vitally important that ordinary americans actively engage in this debate because the outcome of these negotiations and the hopeful product of these negotiations are the product that we hope emerges from these negotiations will profoundly affect their lives. >> so is the president, the missing ingredient to really nailing down a fiscal cliff deal? could he end the drama right now if he stayed put in washington and held a series of face-to-face meetings with reid, mcconnell, boehner, and pelosi instead of his planned meetings this week with small business owners, business leaders and middle class americans, not to mention a trip scheduled for friday to pennsylvania.
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a state he won by five points in the election, to sell american voters on a tax plan he has very loudly and clearly said he's already sold them on. mark warner is a member of the senate's bipartisan gang of eight. they've been working to develop a deficit reduction plan. let me just ask you how you feel right now. 11 days since the president's met with congressional leaders face-to-face, do you think there needs to be more meetings like that right now? >> well, i think the president is doing the right thing. he's got to make the case to congress and the american people. not only of the dire consequences if we go over the cliff, but actually the tremendous upside. and one of the things we don't focus on enough, if we get a real deal, the amount of private
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capital that will come off the sidelines, invest in this country, we look pretty darn good compared to the faltering economy in europe, the slowdown in china. you know, this could actually be the biggest job generator of anything that's been talked about recently. >> one thing i'm confused by and maybe concerned by also, though, is something that you know well. that the outlines of a deal are pretty clear. there are different options, there are choices, there are tweaks around the edge, but the outlines of the deal are there. and two weeks ago, everyone was saying, erskine bowles, says they're going to get it done. we're hearing people like harry reid say really not so fast. should we be worried? i mean, if you guys know what the parameters are and can't get it done that you're not going to get to the finish line again? >> well, i sure hope not. it would be extraordinarily bad for every american family, bad for american business. and unlike the challenges we faced in 2008 when we had that downturn and the fed and others used, you know, basically unprecedented tools, we don't have a lot of bullets left in the proverbial gun at this
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point. >> i want to ask you a couple of specifics on the tax side of things, especially because you're a former businessman. you have been incredibly successful and you come from a state, a wealthy state. i spoke with senator dick durbin two weeks ago, and we were talking about a compromise, if there was a way to raise the money from the wealthy that the president wants to get from raising tax rates on people or households making over $250,000, whether there was another way to do it. here's another clip of that. >> -- did an analysis saying you could cap deductions at $35,000 and have the estate tax go back to where it was and you get $1.3 trillion. you cap deductions at $25,000 and you've got $1.3 trillion. i'm simply making the point, there's a lot of ways to get there that don't involve raising tax rates, is that a compromise you'd ever consider? >> erin, you're exactly right. but i think what the president's trying to say is let's protect working families. those making less than $250,000 a year, no tax increase for
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them. we can do it either through the rates or through the deductions in the code, you've given a good illustration. >> and what do you think about that senator warren. durbin making it clear he's -- there's a lot of different ways to get there. would you consider that? ways to raise money from the wealthy without raising rates? >> there are ways to get there. but i think a lot of this goes back to where you start the whole discussion from. you know, those of us who have worked on this for a long time, the simpson/bowles plan, which has gained a lot of attention, even our gang of six efforts, which we think improved upon the plan. we started with the rates going back up, you use that baseline and then you work down. you can then use some of these tax reform ideas to bring the rates back down, but you basically, we need, you know, on a ten year basis, more than $1 trillion of net new revenue as we think about some of the additional cuts we're going to have to make and some of the reforms to the entitlement programs. i agree with the president,
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let's go ahead and bring the rates back up, but then like simpson/bowles, we can use a tax reform effort, whether it is capping tax expenditures or actually going through in a more thorough way which might be flattening the actual tax code and eliminating some of the expenditures that may no longer be necessary. >> as you say semantics, this is a semantics conversation, right? because simpson/bowles says i'm going to cut the overall rate. so rates actually went down. >> they did, but where they started was where you start the baseline. what youuild into your base. where that additional -- basically $1 trillion swing is, which is not only the rates, but also allowing capital gains and dividends to go back up slightly, to go ahead and go back to the old rules around estate tax. when we talk about rates, that's also code for a series of changes that were part of the so-called bush tax cuts that would take us back to the clinton era. we can still bring them down and simpson/bowles demonstrated that. but where we started the discussion was in effect, with some of that money in the bank. and as someone who has looked at this every which way, and we've got to make entitlement changes,
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i think we need to start with that so-called old baseline to get the deal done. >> so start at 39.6% and you might move it down? you might go back up, move it down -- >> simpson/bowles has showed you can move it down. i don't think you can move it down to the high 20s. but you can move it down below 35%, but it will require real tradeoffs on reductions that americans have valued. >> your fellow virginian democrat tim kaine, he took issue with something the president said. he said he thought that taxes should go up not for families making over $250,000 or individuals at $200,000, but families over $500,000. the president said he would veto an idea like that. it's a specific idea coming from one of your virginia democrats. what do you think? >> well, i give tim a lot of credit for going through a
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campaign, putting everything on the table. but let's remember, even if we let the rates go back up for everybody above $250,000, including the capital gains and dividends, that gets you about $1 trillion in additional revenue. the president has said what we need and i believe he's actually on the low side about $1.5 trillion, $1.6 trillion. where are you going to get that differential? we're not going to get to energy, immigration, education, you name whatever of a topic that is important until we can get our balance sheet right. >> thank you very much, senator warner, as always. >> thank you, erin. "outfront" next, explosive news out of florida, greer claims his party passed a law to skau squashed democratic turnout and hand the election to the democrat. do his accusations add up? plus, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. susan rice, went to her critics today, tried to ease tensions. she said, look, the talking
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our second story "outfront," explosive accusations in florida. in a scathing article, the state's former republican chairman greer claims they passed a law that was designed to squelch turnout and give the election to mitt romney. it made it harder for voters who moved to actually cast ballots. the republican party of florida has responded and tell "outfront," i want to quote them here, jim greer's quotes are false and details keep changing. great to have both of you. roland, let me start with you. these accusations come from jim greer, former boss of the party.
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he is accused of stealing money from the party. accusations come from charlie crist who abandoned the party to run as an independent. all that context is important. are these claims credible, though? >> for two years i've been blasting these efforts in florida as outright voter suppression and it is no shock to me that you're actually hearing this. it goes beyond just shortening early voting days. remember, they got rid of voting on sunday. now, in a country where you want more people voting, why would you take away a day when people would say, hey, no need to go to the polls tuesday, i can actually vote on that particular sunday. >> i don't know why we vote on a tuesday otherwise. >> -- those churches that were voting in mass, as well. we saw this in ohio, pennsylvania, and texas, and i said point-blank, on i wrote a piece. the republicans helped turnout because they ticked off a lot of black voters, hispanic voters,
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senior citizens by trying to suppress the vote. it was an idiotic thing to do and they paid the price for it. >> i just wanted to play what now is an infamous sound bite from the majority leader of the pennsylvania state congress. this was a direct voter i.d. law, and here's what he had to say. >> voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> all right. obviously a sound bite, i'm sure he probably regrets saying, but that was what he thought. do you admit there are bad apples in the party? >> as with in any party, you're going to have fraud, you're going to have people that, you know, are bad apples, like you said. but you've got to admit, these allegations that came up saying that, you know, that we suppressed, you know, votes, are coming from an ex-governor who was a republican switched over, independent, is going to run as
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a democrat against rick scott who implemented this law. and you've got a guy who is a convicted felon stealing money that's basically going to say anything. there was nobody that said in any meeting and said we're trying to suppress minorities and blacks from voting. they did this to save money for the states, for florida. >> not buying it one second. because you look at what took place in florida and other states, they can't even explain. because the first thing was, well, i heard save money. then i heard, well, it also was a lot of people who worked the polls, opportunity to take a rest, in terms of voting on weekends and on sundays. it all made no sense whatsoever. and so it was a targeted effort that was replicated in many other states across the country because they were following the lead of florida. and it backfired on election night, even after we called election for president obama, there were people standing in the rain in florida who were saying i'm not leaving this line, hold the line because we're going to make sure our
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vote was cast. i'm telling yo uh, erin, the obama campaign was worried about voter turnout. a lot of people were so ticked off because of voter suppression, that pushed them over the edge. >> do you not remember when a.c.o.r.n. registered voters with all this fraud. >> they were caught. >> they were caught, but this is going to save states money, not only that, florida is going to save them money, that's why rick scott did this. >> you said -- >> it's called hr1335. >> you said voter fraud. the guy from pennsylvania, when they had the lawsuit in court, they filed documents, the attorney general said we have no evidence of voter fraud. even if we have the voter i.d., it would not even stop the potential voter fraud. so they claimed voter fraud, but they don't have any evidence of it. and the a.c.o.r.n. piece, they were caught by the existing system. so if they were caught, how can they say voter fraud? >> does noelle have a point it's saving money? >> here's the deal, i totally get we talk about saving money. but if there's one thing we should be paying for is to have more citizens out there actually voting, especially in the
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presidential election when it's every four years. part of the problem here is you have all of these different state rules as opposed to a federal standard when it comes to these various elections. well, florida was doing, they can try all they want to, but that was clear effort to suppress the vote and it backfired. romney didn't even win the state. >> it's easy to pin this on the gop because the gop has a reputation of being like -- that we're not -- we're a country club. we're like an elitist organization -- >> i'm basing it upon the facts. >> here's the deal. go ahead and say that the gop, that the florida gop, that's their mission. it's not. and it's easy to pin that on us when that's what you're saying. >> i have asked republicans across the country give me one example of trying to expand the right to vote or access to the ballot across the country. i have yet to hear them give me one example. 50 states. >> saving money, what does that have to do with suppressing black voters or minority voters? saving money, that's for everyone. >> but you talk about an
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election where you want more people voting, then you can say we know it's every four years, you set money aside. >> what about the third party voting? when you go to a mall or somewhere that's not a specific polling place to register and it takes now -- now with rick scott, what the governor did, it takes 48 hours. it's before you could sit on these papers for a very long time -- >> and that particular law caused -- and rock the vote and that also was an effort, again, to -- >> that was very biased. >> wow. rock the vote is biased, are they biased? okay, just checking. >> i'm sure this conversation will continue when you all leave the set. thanks to both. baseball players like a-rod $275 million for ten years. you know how hard it is to project the federal budget over
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ten years, other than the success of a player. joe mauer, $184. and derek jeter, $51 million. baseball is big business and the man who has done any more to make it that way is marvin miller, died today. he was the players' first union chief and a-rod owes him. john avalon, have you been looking into the legacy, loved and hated figure? >> he is a very controversial figure. he did more to transform the pass time and he didn't wear a uniform. free agency. he grew the game into modern big business. and i love baseball, so i'm biased. a game of statistic. when marvin miller came in as players union chief, average salary, $7,000.
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now it's $3.4 million. market at work. directly marvin miller's innovati innovation, free agency. some stuff people don't like. strikes. >> those contracts make me sort of nauseous. it's a free market, but nauseating. >> it's an amazing achievement. >> it is. blocked by owners from the hall of fame, even though this is the man who has late rally created modern baseball as you love it or loathe it right now. >> that's exactly right. great injustice. marvin miller denied entry to hall of fame. the owners still resent his intrusion into the game that he had controlled. he took on their extension from antitrust legislation. challenged them over ten years. the reseven sclauz that went up to the supreme court. brought free agency, the irony of course is that the guy owners hated did more to build the business. marvin miller, historic figure, whether you love him or loathe
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him, he deserves to be remembered and honored tonight. >> responsible for all of that is an incredible achievement. still to come, susan rice answers her critics on capitol hill. she admitted the talking points she used after benghazi were wrong is it time for republicans to back off. what does it mean to be a mother? a judge had to make a controversial call. that ruling, "outfront" next. how are you? i'm good. [ gordon ] but for others, it's all they can afford. every day nearly nine million older americans don't have enough to eat. anything else? no, not today. join me, aarp, and aarp foundation in the drive to end hunger by visiting
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about, where we focus on our reporting from the front lines. protesters took to the streets of cairo today after mohamed morsi basically stood by his decision to grant himself sweeping presidential powers and eliminate the judiciary. demonstrators called on morsi to roll back his decree or resign. at least one person died in clashes with police. demonstrators stormed the headquarters of a party backed by morsi's muslim brotherhood. a spokesman said the building was destroyed, dozens of injuries. 213-foot crane caught fire, it partially collapsed.
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this was on to a university building in sydney today. the crane was carrying 264 gallons of diesel fuel, flames went 32 feet into the air. no one was injured according to the operator lend lease. i wanted to mention that name because it might sound familiar. it is the same company that operated the crane that partially collapsed in new york city during superstorm sandy. the company is still in the process of reviewing that incident. well, for the first time since his arrest two years ago, bradley manning is expected to take the stand in a pretrial hearing this week. now, manning is accused of leaking thousands of classified military and state department documents while serving in iraq. many of which wound up on the wikileaks website. manning's attorneys are trying to get the case thrown out saying he was mistreated while in military custody. but the pentagon insists he was held in accordance with the rules. if convicted, manning faces life in prison. bob doll dole has been hospitalized. he checked in to walter reed for
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a routine procedure and will be discharged tomorrow. there were subcommittees raised about his health after harry reid indicated that he was at walter reed for more than just a checkup and described him as infirm. consumer confidence hit a four-year high today. and now our fourth story outfront. coming clean on benghazi. susan rice went to capitol hill today to clear the air. she said, look, the talking points i used after the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya were wrong. she met with three of her most outspoken critics, republican senators john mccain, lindsey graham, and kelly ayotte to set the record straight. rice had gone on five sunday talk shows days after the attack and called it a spontaneous demonstration sparked by an antimuslim film and did not
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mention the link to al qaeda. after all this taking on her critics, the republican senators weren't impressed. >> bottom line, i'm more disturbed now than i was before that the 16 september explanation about how four americans died in benghazi, libya, by ambassador rice, i think does not do justice to the reality at the time and in hindsight clearly was completely wrong. >> rice maintains she did nothing wrong. issuing a statement saying we stressed that neither i nor anyone else in the administration intended to mislead the american people at any stage of this process. peter brooks is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense, general wesly clark and, of course, former democratic presidential candidate. senator mccain was asked who do you blame more at this point? ambassador rice or president obama?
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he says the president is ultimately responsible. do you agree this is no longer about susan rice? she has cleared the air about her name? >> i don't think so. i mean, i'll let the senator speak for himself, i wasn't in that meeting behind closed doors today. but her coming forth with the mea culpa didn't satisfy these three senators, and i'm not sure if there are other senators not satisfied with it. she keeps her current job at the u.n., the question is, erin, of course, if the president nominates her to replace hillary clinton as secretary of state how the senate will feel about that at that time. >> general clark, how should they feel about that? should he go ahead and nominate her? >> yes, i think she's a very effective and very loyal public servant. i've worked with susan since 1994, she's honest, she's straightforward, she has
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america's best interest at heart. she's a person who gives 100% to the job and the country. i think she'd be an outstanding secretary of state. i think he should nominate her. i don't think there's anything behind this. i've looked at this from the beginning, i've been on your show a couple of times about it. i've followed all the information out in public. i don't think there's anything behind it other than a political snowball that got started pre-election. >> was she too loyal to go ahead with those talking points if she had questions? >> no, i don't think she was too loyal. when you're on the press, you're not going to release classified information. it's clear there was some cia activity there. what exactly it was and what the cia's told involvement was, why there was a consulate there, wasn't even a consulate, didn't do normal consulate duties. what was it all about? by won't know until the investigation is completed and released. >> senator ayotte said when you're an ambassador to the united nations -- i want to get your thoughts on this. she said, look, you go well beyond unclassified talking points in your daily preparation responsibilities. i guess the implication being
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that she would have been aware of other things that were different or contradicted directly to what she went and said on television. does this cast any doubt on her story? general clark has made what i've heard from everybody who knows her that she is an incredibly honest and forthright person. >> well, i think there's a bigger question here, erin, and that's the credibility of the administration on these national security issues and whether they politicized a national security issue that led to the death of four americans. i mean, i do -- i don't agree that the american people were not misled on this. i don't know how five days afterwards, a senior official -- first of all, i don't understand why susan rice was in that chair as opposed to hillary clinton as u.n. ambassador, she had nothing to do with what happened in benghazi. but besides that, you know, the issue here is why did they tell us what they told us? why were they so sure so soon and now so wrong? we don't even hear anybody talking about the video. and the state department investigation won't get at what the administration told us about -- about benghazi. it'll get at why benghazi happened, the security issues, did they have enough security,
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et cetera, how this ambassador died. so there's a lot of issues out here, and credibility is number one. >> general clark, what about the point that peter just raised? why was susan rice put out there? is it possibly because hillary clinton knew more than she was allowed to say? >> no, i suspect that hillary clinton was either out of the country or wanted a sunday morning where she didn't have to go on television five times. it's, you know, when you're working inside the administration, it's seven days a week, it's nonstop, there's a crisis every hour, somebody's always calling -- >> we know there were substantial revisions to the bullet points. so presumably, some people had seen the unrevised version. which included the al qaeda link and other things, right? >> she may have seen it, but if it was classified, she's not going to go out there and expose it. she's going to relay what the intelligence community says, this is what's safe to say. now, you can go back and say, well, the intelligence community shouldn't have tried to protect the fact that we knew it was al
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qaeda or al qaeda involvement. >> right. >> they shouldn't have tried to do that. that's an intelligence community judgment. so somebody else -- you know the director of national intelligence, the director of the cia, someone on that staff has to answer for that. that's not susan's problem. susan is out there and she's authorized what to say. the administration always has an early morning phone call on sunday. they go over what the issues are and basically you're told here's what you can say in an unclassified way. >> yeah. erin, i think there's a problem here. first of all, they could have told us that there were other potential scenarios out there instead of telling us it was related to a video and it was a demonstration, which both turned out to be completely wrong now. so i think they could have come out, they could have been more cautious and said there's a lot of possibilities out here. and this is one of them that we're looking at, you know, the video and the demonstration. but i think they really did not want to say on september 11th that an american sovereign territory had been attacked by an al qaeda organization.
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>> maybe, general clark, they should have said we don't know as opposed to saying one version. hindsight, they should have done it differently? >> hindsight's always perfect. and when you're looking at something like this and weigh it against the full range of issues the united states is facing between the fiscal cliff and iran and syria and a lot of other things, you can't justify the amount of partisan heat that's gone into this issue on what susan rice said. so there has to be something behind it beyond getting at the facts. this is an attack on the administration, it's got partisan motives and you have to ask why is it? because there were no consequences of having said what they said. people didn't say, oh, well, i'm going to vote for the administration because there was just a demonstration that caused this. i wouldn't vote for them if they were actually attacked by al qaeda? come on, that doesn't make
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sense. >> certainly it has become partisan, which is a big tragedy about the whole thing, i think we can agree. thanks to both of you. and now to an "outfront" update on a story from texas. it's an ugly custody battle that's defining what mother hood means. we told you first about this in september. cindy and her friend marvin mcmurray agreed to have a child together. what they used was his sperm and donated eggs. then close became pregnant with twins through in vitro fertilization. after twins were born in july, he revealed to her he was gay, told her you're just a surrogate and demanded custody of the children. now, keep in mind they're his biological children even though she carried them. and now a houston judge has ruled she is indeed the mother by law of the twins not just a surrogate. "outfront" david mattingly. he has been following this case. this is a pretty fascinating case. i mean, how did the judge make the ruling that she's the mother when she's not the biological mother? >> well, she is not the biological mother, but she did give birth to these children. and texas law may have been on her side here because the law is
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fairly explicit when it comes to issues. the intended parents of the child or children have to be married. there was no marriage in this case. also a surrogacy agreement approved ahead of time. there was no legal agreement between the two. so when the children were born, she gave birth to them and she had every bit of standing according to the court to be declared the mother here. >> so you're saying in some cases where parents might be watching this and be terrified. but if you have an agreement, this ruling wouldn't have come down the way this came down. >> that's right. texas is very explicit in what kind of rules they have here. and they didn't follow the rules here. so no one had solid legal standing when it came to declare who was going to take custody of these children. but, even though the father was trying to declare that she was the surrogate, he was able to prove without a doubt that he was the biological father here. so in the interim, when the children left the hospital, they left in his custody. so they have been in his custody
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since then. >> so she's now the mother, according to texas law, but what about custody? she wants custody, as well. what happens on that? >> that's right. now that she's the mother, she can fight for custody of these children. and here, this fight could go either way. she is arguing that she should have custody of these children because she did give birth and she is the legal mother now. but the father is challenging that ruling by the judge hoping to appeal the fact that she is legally the mother here. so that, in itself, is still up in the air. in the meantime, she's only been able to see these children for a couple of hours a day. her attorney hopes to get some sort of temporary agreement in place where she can perhaps take the children out in her own custody away from the house and spend some private time with them on her own terms now that she is declared the mother. but that has to be worked out while all these other things are going on, as well. so this case still very complicated.
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and a lot of people watching this. cindy close all along has been saying this may help define what a mother is in the eyes of the law. there are some people who disagree with her saying that this case was not about mother hood at all. but at the very bottom here, this is a very complicated case, with a very, very complicated case of custody now looming in front of both of the legal parents. >> thanks very much to you, david. well, paula broadwell, she's now on the cover of "people" magazine. the cover says sex, lies, and spies, it sounds salacious, but paula broadwell has a future, and we're going to tell you what her plans are for that coming up "outfront." and for years thugs tried to kill the former mayor of a town. she did not give up in the face of threats and gun shot wounds to her body. her fight and her life have come to an end. that story coming up. they have teachers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level.
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we are back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. and tonight we go to mexico where for years the former mayor of a small town rose up in defiance of the thugs who tried to kill her. the thugs -- they live in an area that's been riddled with drug-related violence. but this month, those who wanted her dead prevailed. they kidnapped her while she drove her daughter to school, and last week her body was found.
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rar yell rafael romo has the story. >> erin, she was kidnapped on a busy street during the morning rush hour as terriied onlookers watched the scene unfold. she was driving her young daughter to school when they were stopped by armed men. the 36-year-old former mayor was taken away by force as her daughter cried hysterically. mexican officials say she was found three days later with her hands tied behind her back and a severe blow to the back of her head. she was also a medical doctor was the mayor of a small community in the western mexican state from 2008 to 2011. this was the third time she was a victim of an attack. during the first attack in 2009, her husband was shot and killed, but she survived serious gun shot wounds. she survived by her three children and her second husband. erin? >> an awful story. thanks to rafael. and now to the west bank where the body of yasser arafat was exhumed for a brief time
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today. forensic investigators took samples from his body to discover if he died of natural causes or as his widow believes, he was poisoned. >> reporter: yeah, erin, the whole process of the exhumation was very emotional for many palestinians. there was a flower laying ceremony after everything was finished. the whole process only took a couple of hours. the scientists from russia, france, switzerland opened the grave, took samples, didn't have to extract the body to do that, and then they resealed it again. the samples will be independently verified and analyzed in labs, russia, switzerland, and france and palestinians are believing they will get results in three months' time, of course, if p l
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pulonium is found, it will caused an uproar. they have been saying israel poisoned the palestinian leader. even if no poison is found, it will hardly lay to rest the rumors. our fifth story "outfront," paula broadwell's next chapter. she ended david petraeus' career. she made the cover of "people" magazine "sex, lies, and spies." a great picture, but not one she ever wanted to see. what is her next move? suzanne kelly, intelligence correspondent, and spoke with broadwell's brother today. what did he have to say? >> we were told that she is really focused right now on restoring the trust between her and her husband and trying to protect her two sons from all of the publicity that has come
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along with the public outing of the affair. they have put out very different images that she has showed. seen first here on cnn. the images in tighter outfits, shorter dresses. these pictures that her family are putting out are portraying her as in her role as a mother and book author. >> pretty amazing to see. and she obviously authorized her brother to do this, right? she's -- she wants him to put these pictures out, right? >> you know, we don't really know for sure how much she is handling the media presentation of her. we know she hired a d.c. based public relations firm to manage the media interest in her and fired a lawyer, because as you know, erin, still that ongoing fbi investigation looking into what classified material she had, and how she was handling them. a person close to her says that is still very much on her mind, so i wouldn't expect for her to go out there on her own directly
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until that is maybe a little closer to being resolved. >> a terrifying thing and a lot on hold until she gets answers on that. what is her next move? >> you know, i think the next thing she really has to focus on right now, according to friends, is fixing issues with her family. the lack of trust, trying to protect her sons. you know, i talked to her brother today, and he said she's not so focused on her career or her future which is bound to be affected much more than that of david petraeus in terms of david petraeus will have an easier time overcoming this. people knew who he was, a professional track record, something to stand on, a lot of the country is getting to know paula broad well for the first time through scan da and story and according to her friends it will be much harder moving forward. >> it is. let me ask you about jill kelly. obviously, the other woman at the center of this scandal. and i know --
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>> scandal. >> trying to come up with the right word for this. more news about her today. what did you find out? >> a south korean official says she is being stripped of her title of honorary consul. a new york businessman accused err of trying to poli solicit b. a south korean official said it wasn't suitable for telly on use that for commercial purposes. no word from kelly on this, erin. >> no word from her. an interesting character of all these characters. thank you so much to you, suzanne. the president of north korea today was named sexiest man alive. we'll tell you why he is so sexy, next. of tablets from dell. it's changing the conversation. ♪
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big news for north korea. its leader has been named the sexiest man alive. so today, a major american media source wrote with his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm and strong sturdy frame, this heartthrob is every woman's dream come true. as you can imagine, the communist press was delighted to hear one of their own was selected for this honor and
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china's people daily ran with the story, publishing a 55-page online photo spread. 55, everybody. that's about 54 new pictures. there's just one problem. the american media source which named kim jong-un the sexiest man alive was the onion. the onion is a website that publishes satirical stories. maybe it's not the first time they fooled someone. in october, iran's top news agency reran an onion story that said world whites would rather vote for ahmadinejad than barack obama. the stories are funny but why do people keep falling for them? maybe because for some people it plays into a narrative they have been trying to promote. a lot of world leaders are constantly trying to convince the people and the world they are athletic, virile, sexy, powerful men who look really good on horses. kind of weird.
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still, he really does look good on a horse. the strangest part of the story for me is this. what happened to kim jong-un's wife? she's gorgeous. we haven't seen her. is she sick, pregnant, missing or is it like so many other sexiest men of the past, he doesn't want the old ball and chain around anymore? here is piers morgan tonight. m, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive.
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